Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Next Stop: Cape Breton Island


Currently lounging at yet another airport Starbucks, this time in Toronto and not some crazy city in Asia. I think I can venture to say that these places where planes take off have become my new natural habitat. After the past month, I really think I should be a member of one of those international travel clubs or something.

After just four full days at home, I'm back on the international travel scene. I'm still not fully adjusted from my extensive time travel, but my body isn't fighting me too much. I've only had one incident where good ol' American food didn't sit so well, so I guess I can be okay with that. I did, however, just eat red meat for the first time in a month... this could get interesting.

While I did a lot of chillaxing the last few days, Coach Rei and I went on a few trips to Chautauqua Lake, one of my favorite places to visit in the summer. I've definitely missed walking around by the water and enjoying the scenery. Although it was short-lived, it was nice to get back to some slight normalcy for a few days. I was also able to catch up with a few friends before we all head off to college. It's crazy to think that when I get back home this time next week, I'll be less than 48 hours away from my sophomore year move-in.

I literally feel like I haven't been home in years and now it's about time to settle back into life in Happy Valley. I'm more than excited to be reunited with my peeps at school, but I have a lot to get done between now and next Thursday. In addition to moving in to Atherton next week, the Reilly crew is heading for a weekend trip to the Big Apple. Life is definitely not slowing down anytime soon.

This post is pretty random, but at this point, I have nothing else to do after taking a few laps around the airport. I can probably read one of the 37 books I have in my backpack, but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? Just two and a half more hours before my departure to Nova Scotia... at least I get to see the MacAskill fam squad tonight!

Compulsively trying to figure out how I'm going to decorate my dorm room,

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