Whew, safe to say that the last two days have lifted my spirits a bit from all of the emotions I've been trying to sort out around here.
Yesterday started with a video chat with Brynne, I MISS HER. Talking to her made me so happy as I headed to SRCC for two lectures, one about varying economic topics of India and the United States and then one on the portrayal of women through Indian drama. While two totally different topics, both were very interesting and both speakers were quite engaging. We then had a bit of time to work on research for our projects, which hopefully will come together in some shape or form.
Next came a dance workshop, which was a Bollywood version of Power Remix. Although I definitely struggled with the Indian moves, it was really fun to get our groove on to some great music. We ended to the time with a rendition of the Cha Cha Slide; we figured this was a pretty accurate representation of American dance parties..?
We then hopped on the bus to eat some veggie burgers for lunch and head to the Center for Social Research. We listened to a presentation about domestic violence against Indian women; being a topic that I'm pretty passionate about, I really enjoyed hearing about this issue from a different perspective.
The day continued with a visit to another fort (I'm so awful at keeping track of all of the names of the places I have visited...) where Akash was in charge of making sure that Brady and I were seeing all of the cool things and taking cute pictures. We took so many selfies and group shots from just about everywhere. At one point, we had to climb up this weird staircase thing, to which my friend Ujjwal grabbed my hand and helped me up, since he has been informed of my clumsy antics.
Dinner was at a small food court; we all received a partner and some rupees, so we all combined to get the biggest amount of food possible. I let my Indian friends do all of the ordering. My only request was that nothing be too, too spicy... they did not let me down. We finished the meal with Black Forest cake, fudge pie, and "Kentucky Chocolate Pie"... I got a chuckle out of that one.
The night ended with an hour-long light show at another historic site that told the story of Delhi. It was something I had never experienced before, and it was really cool. I could have done with out those darn mosquitos, but still great nonetheless.
And now onto today...
Well, four Americans down, five standing.
Almost half of our group is suffering from "Delhi Belly," which I am happy to say has not struck me yet... knocking on wood.
I think the fact that we are halfway across the world eating food that our body has never digested before is finally catching up to us and the busy days are taking a toll. Lucky for me, I'm feeling pretty good so I was able to participate in all of today's activities.
We headed to SRCC around 10AM, which kickstarted the day with a yoga workshop (I felt so wonderful afterwards) and time for group work on our projects. They are coming along (PEACE AND BLESSINGS) and we're ready to submit our powerpoint tomorrow.
After project work came another bus ride to the area of Delhi that we were yesterday, except to a different place. We visited the place where Gandhi was assassinated and walked around the beautiful grounds and walked through the museum. It was so interesting to be in a place with such social significance; yet another cool thing that India has shown me.
Next stop was an intricate tomb with awesome architecture. We journeyed through all of the structures. My Indian friends screamed WAIT as I went to jump off a small platform (like I know I'm clumsy and I appreciate the concern, people, but if I'm meant to fall, I'm going to fall), to which I put my hands on my hips and gave a response of sass. I then reached for a helping hand and I successfully reached the ground with the assistance of Ujjwal. My new friends are really looking out for me around here... my clumsiness hasn't caused any harm yet, much to their credit.
More selfies, more group pictures.
The final stop of the night was Delhi Haat, a huge market for shopping and food. I bought some cute souvenirs in limited time and then headed to eat. Feeling some dreariness from the day, I had a ten-minute emotional roller coaster where I didn't want to eat because everything was too spicy and I just wanted to be able to walk somewhere without being completely watched over.
Sharad and Ujjwal came to my rescue with naan; I actually started crying from happiness as I ate the delicious bread and my tummy became satisfied. My bad mood shifted immediately, I just needed some good naan, that was all. I felt even better when an order of jalebi came my way... SO DELICIOUS! It's the Indian version of funnel cake.. YUM. Crisis was avoided efficiently with food.
If there's one thing I've learned in the past two days alone, it's that a selfie a day keeps the traveler's heart happy.
To many more selfie-filled days here in this awe-inspiring country.
Yesterday started with a video chat with Brynne, I MISS HER. Talking to her made me so happy as I headed to SRCC for two lectures, one about varying economic topics of India and the United States and then one on the portrayal of women through Indian drama. While two totally different topics, both were very interesting and both speakers were quite engaging. We then had a bit of time to work on research for our projects, which hopefully will come together in some shape or form.
Next came a dance workshop, which was a Bollywood version of Power Remix. Although I definitely struggled with the Indian moves, it was really fun to get our groove on to some great music. We ended to the time with a rendition of the Cha Cha Slide; we figured this was a pretty accurate representation of American dance parties..?

And now onto today...
Well, four Americans down, five standing.
Almost half of our group is suffering from "Delhi Belly," which I am happy to say has not struck me yet... knocking on wood.
I think the fact that we are halfway across the world eating food that our body has never digested before is finally catching up to us and the busy days are taking a toll. Lucky for me, I'm feeling pretty good so I was able to participate in all of today's activities.

More selfies, more group pictures.
The final stop of the night was Delhi Haat, a huge market for shopping and food. I bought some cute souvenirs in limited time and then headed to eat. Feeling some dreariness from the day, I had a ten-minute emotional roller coaster where I didn't want to eat because everything was too spicy and I just wanted to be able to walk somewhere without being completely watched over.

If there's one thing I've learned in the past two days alone, it's that a selfie a day keeps the traveler's heart happy.
To many more selfie-filled days here in this awe-inspiring country.
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